
Friday, 7 March 2014

Hauhake Harakeke

Hauhake Harakeke SJ 2.3.05
WALT: Use clues in text, along with prior knowledge to help comprehension.
1. What does hauhake Harakeke  mean? It Means Harvesting.

2. How did the harakeke move to make the children feel  welcome?Tawhirimatea has chosen a
Cloudy day for Harvesting so the leaves of the Harakeke were waving towards to the kids to make them feel welcome.

3. When was the harakeke planted?The Harakeke was planted in 1987

4. How does the harakeke standing tall make the children feel?It makes them feel Proud

5. Why is any left over harakeke returned to the bushes?The people put the leftover flax under the flax bushes so that they will help them grow

6. Name 4 items you can make from harakeke (pages 9 and 10)Kete,Tipare,Putiputi,Potaka

7. Choose one of the items made from flax in the story and look at some google images of it.Kete

Draw the item in detail in sumo paint or another drawing programme.  Write the name of the item beneath your picture. Publish this on your blog with this heading and sentence:

Blog title: Hauhake Harakeke

Sentence to copy on with your picture: We have been reading about a Hauhake Harakeke ceremony. This is one thing that the children in the story made from the flax blades.

1 comment:

  1. Hi DJ

    I like the way you put on the picture of a Harakeke.Have you ever tastes a harakeke in your whole life?That was a cool story you were talking about I hope it was cool.From Roimata


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